
Zamantha & Marlon

Saturday, I had the pleasure of working with Corey from Creative Photo Expressions on one of his weddings. The bride and groom were Zamantha & Marlon.

They were a great couple. Marlon told me they had been friends for some time now. They actually fell out of touch for a while, but when they met up again, he knew that he should marry his friend. They look wonderful together. We did the wedding in Chevy Chase. The weather turned out perfect. We couldn't ask for a better day.

Corey is working on their album, but take a look at some of the pictures from their day.

We had a good time. I can't wait to see the album.


New Site is Up!!!


It's finally up, and I think it looks great! This is just one of the many new things we have in store for 2008.

If you are looking at the blog, then you've obviously seen the site already, but just in case, click here to check it out.

Stay tuned.


Ok. I've been gone for a minute working on a lot of new things for this year. We are going to be doing some exciting things.

First for this year is the new website launch! It just a matter of time now. We are a couple of days from it becoming reality. I've seen a few samples and it looks great!

So stay tuned. There is plenty more to come.