
New Year's Wedding

This year, I'll be shooting my first wedding on New Year's Day. It should be interesting because the weather is going to be a little tricky on Friday. They are calling for a little rain / snow, so it could either be just right to make some sweet shots, or it could be a mess. Let's hope for the best!

The wedding will be at Newton White Mansion in Mitchelville, so I know it will be nice. We'll see what happens.



Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to take a minute out of this long day to say Merry Christmas to all those who helped make this a fun and successful year for Anaya Photography. This has certainly been the best year thus far, and we are looking forward to next year being even better!

Enjoy these wonderful Holidays with the ones you love. Appreciate life for all the good as well as the bad, the ups along with the downs. Be thankful for all that you do have, and work hard to get what you want.

I'll be back real soon and more often. Until then...



Kim & Dan 8/8/09

Hey there... It's been a VERY long time since I've posted anything. Not because of lack of work, but I've just been very busy.

Here are just a few shots from Kim & Dan's wedding earlier this month. They were great to work with. Their bridal party was a blast too. Check out the pictures.


I hope you enjoyed. Until next time...


Rosanna & Matt Wedding

Today I had the pleasure of shooting the wedding of Rosanna & Matt. You may remember them from their engagement session last week.

When we did their engagement session, the weather was beautiful... the most beautiful day of the year so far. Well, today was better than that! It was perfect outside. Warm but not hot, so I was happy about that.

Rosanna & Matt have a wonderful family... lots of love to go around for everyone. They had family in town from literally all over the world, so it was definitely an interesting crowd, but very fun.

The reception was at the Evergreen Mansion Carriage House. The grounds of this house were immaculate. This is a very beautiful location for anyone looking for a site for a wedding. The New Romano's Band played the music all night, and they were awesome as well. A very fun bunch.

I tried some new things with some of the pics from outside, so check them out and let me know what you think. Thanks again to Brian for helping me out with this one.

Thanks again for looking and I will catch up with you soon.


Cynthia & Matt E-Session

This weekend turned out to be pretty busy. Luckily I was able to spend some time with Cynthia & Matt. I get to shoot their wedding in a couple of weeks. I am really looking forward to it.

We lucked up and got together on one of the nicest days this year. Just the start of many more I'm sure. We got together down by the Inner Harbor over near the Ritz Carlton. Let me tell you... It's a different world over there. I really didn't feel like I was in Baltimore. It was really nice.

Take a look at some of my favorites from the day. Let me know what you think.

There are some really nice views down on the water.

Cynthia & Matt look really sweet together.

Cynthia really liked the 'street shot', so we had to make sure to get her some.

I'll see you guys soon! The wedding should be fun.


Rosanna & Matt E-Session

It's been a long time since I've posted any on the blog, but not for good reason. I've been trying to ramp up and get ready for this wedding season so I can take it up a notch!

For those who have been following, I hope in the coming weeks you will see some new things that you like. For those who are visiting for the first time, hold on because this is going to be a great year.

This spring, I'll be getting started with Rosanna & Matt. We did their E-Session last weekend on one of the most beautiful days this year. Their wedding is this coming Saturday, and it looks like that day will be awesome as well (mid 80's!!!).

I enjoyed working with Rosanna & Matt. They were a fun couple. My partner Brian helped me shoot the session. It's a little difficult to keep up with Rosanna & Matt because they do a lot of traveling, but I'm glad we were able to get these shots. We were downtown Baltimore on the Inner Harbor near the Museum of Industry. Very nice scenery.

Check out some of the shots!

I really liked the colors on the side of the building.

I like the effect on this image. Something different.

Of course, the street shots are some of my favorites.

The color on this wall turned out great.

These last few shots were some fun ones right down on the Harbor. The folks over at the Downtown Sailing Center were nice enough to let us use their pier (after signing waivers, of course) so we could get a few shots right on the water.

It's always fun to get back out shooting on a beautiful day like this. I am really looking forward to their wedding to see what we come up with. Those images will be up soon, so come back to see them.
This will be a busy stretch during the next two months, so there will be plenty more to see. Until then, enjoy the nice spring weather and don't forget to come back often!