
Jennifer & Brian 05.17.08

I met Jennifer and her mother in April to discuss shooting Jennifer's wedding. Jennifer is a very sweet and genuine person and I immediately felt as though this would be a very nice wedding to shoot. My feelings were right!

Jennifer and Brian had all kids in their wedding party. That was the cutest thing. It's funny watching the kids try to stand still during the ceremony because they always start playing with their flowers, looking around or something. Their daughter was right there in between them during the ceremony. She just wanted to be next to her Dad. Things like that always make for great images.

The day turned out great for them too. We've been getting a lot of rain lately, but the day cleared up perfectly. It was a great day for a wedding by the water. Take a look at the slideshow I put together of their wedding.

I truly thank Jennifer and Brian for allowing me to be a part of their day. Congratulations and best wishes.

The coolest part of the day was them sailing off on the boat after the ceremony. This was a great boat. One day, I'll have my own!

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